Julia Rutherford Silvers, CSEP

Certified Special Events Professional

Event Management Authority

Like angels and elephants dancing on the head of a pin, our dreams and responsibilities may have no limits, but must be balanced according to the music of the moment.









Analysis of the CFEE Core Curriculum in relation to the EMBOK

26 October 2010


The following represents a mapping of the CFEE Core Curriculum* to the International EMBOK Model framework. The CFEE Core Curriculum is categorized into 6 core curriculum areas, 31 objectives, 61 key instruction elements, and 292 learning outcomes (plus 7 elective topics)**. Please note that some of the CFEE Core Curriculum items appear in numerous places within the EMBOK framework and some items appear under phase headings or general domain headings rather than individual task/knowledge areas within each domain.









*CFEE, the Certified Festival and Events Executive designation, is the credentialing program offered by the International Festivals and Events Association (IFEA). The CFEE Core Curriculum, dated 2005, may be found at http://www.ifea.com/joomla1_5/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=134&Itemid=108.

** This mapping does not include all the learning outcomes.


International EMBOK Model

CFEE Core Curriculum


Objective 1. 1. Assessment of an events sponsorship potential

1. C. Event inventory: What is the property?

1. C. a) Understand the basics of the event: concept, dates, location, organizational structure

1. C. c) Understand the role that research plays in the understanding of audience demographics and how it can be applied to sponsorship solicitation

2. A. Business Plan Basics

2. A. a) A business plan precisely defines your business, including a well thought out mission and vision, identifies your goals, and serves as your firm's resume.

2. A. b) Understand the difference between a Strategic Plan and a Business Plan.

6. B. Demographics and NS Revenue

Elective: Current Industry Issues & Trends




Objective 1. 6. Sponsor servicing and fulfillment

The Event



Objective 1. 7. Post event reporting and evaluation

6. J. c) Administrative audits


Elective: Writing Skills

Elective: Presentation Skills


Objective 2. 1. Provide a working knowledge of a business plan – the roadmap for success.


Elective: Economic Impact

Objective 1. 2. Assembling and valuing rights packages

Objective 1. 3. Valuing intangible assets & determining appropriate fees

1. H. Determining value

1. H. c) Understand a basic valuation formula involving tangible values, intangible values, and marketplace factors.

Objective 2. 3. Highlight budgeting and finance elements – P&L, cash flow, balance sheet.

2. C. Budgets and Financials

2. C. a) Understand the basics of a successful profit and loss statement; how to forecast budget revenues and expenses; how to effectively manage expenses; understand revenue sources.

2. C. b) Understand the importance of non-event generated revenue; understand how to maximize event-generated revenue.

2. C. c) Understand the meaning of a balance sheet; know how to read one and determine the health of an organization.

2. C. d) Understand the meaning of a cash flow statement; cash is king.

2. C. e) Understand effective staff and consultant management of financials, including audits (internal and external), as well as event-related cash audits.

3. G. e) Provide a working understanding of the various “benefits” available to companies and their extension to and inclusion in the “compensation” of employees time off (vacation, sick leave, personal time, etc.), group medical insurance (and other medical benefit alternatives like medical reimbursement plans and cafeteria plans), retirement benefits (401ks, 403bs, etc.), credit union (and other) memberships, etc.)


6. A. Basic NS Revenue positives and negative features

6. C. New Revenue Ideas

6. D. Cash and Inventory Controls

6. H. a) 6. Pricing

6. J. Cost Control as Added Revenue

Human Resources

Elective: Leadership/Management Skills

1. C. d) Understand the demographics of the organization (i.e. Board, members, volunteers, etc.)

Objective 2. 2. Develop an understanding of the leadership necessary to manage an organization.

2. B. Management: Leadership and Staffing

2. B. a) Understand where to go to obtain quality employees; how to develop a successful job description; how to interview effectively.


3. A. Role Human Resources Plays in the Achievement of Organizational Mission and Objectives

3. B. Basics for Organization of the Human Resources Function in Various Phases of an Organization’s Development (considering stages of business’ development and size of the organization)

3. C. Successful Hiring

3. C. c) Provide a background and understanding of the importance of “diversity” in an organization and some useful tools to promote and ensure access to a “diverse” pool of candidates. Provide an understanding of common impediments (and solutions for them) to achieving diversity goals and expectations.

3. D. Basics of Corporate Human Resources Policies and Employee Handbooks

3. E. Basics for a Program of Evaluation and Performance Improvement.

3. F. Discipline and Human Resource Risk Management

3. G. Compensation, Benefits and Reward

3. G. d) Provide understanding and resources to ensure compliance with federal minimum wage and other (state and local) wage and hour laws and regulation. [Wage and hour requirements (overtime, etc)]

3. H. Training and Personnel Development

3. J. Board of Directors Governance and Function

3. K. Human Resource Function and Volunteers

3. M. Other Resources for Human Resource Professionals.

Objective 5. 6. Review the leadership role of operations personnel.

5. K. Leadership

5. L. Volunteer Management


1. J. b) 7. Follow-up/Post event reporting


Objective 5. 2. Review the process of soliciting, securing, and managing contracted services.

5. C. Bidding and Contracting Services

5. D. Management of Contracted Services

6. J. a) Standardized bids and contracts


1. J. Sponsor servicing and fulfillment

1. J. b) Understand the basic fundamentals involved in the establishment of a professional servicing system

Objective 2. 5. Understand the business aspects of the event and its importance to a community.

3. J. Board of Directors Governance and Function

4. G. c) Creating win-win relationships with media

Objective 5. 4. Examine the essential role that interpersonal/relationship building skills play in festival management.

5. F. c) Understand the establishment of positive partnerships with professional/ regulatory personnel and agencies

5. G. Relationship Building Skills

6. H. a) 3. Consideration of public relations and community relations issues




Elective: Time Management

5. B. b) Understand the process of creating schedules




6. F. Food and Beverage

6. F. a) Understand key fundamentals related to all food and beverage operations

6. F. b) Understand key issues related to alcohol sales




1. B. a) 5. CELEBRITIES/PERSONALITIES: performers, musicians, media stars


1. E. a) Understand the hospitality possibilities as related to a specific event (i.e. tickets, passes, parking, merchandise, VIP areas, reserved seats, upgraded experiences)

Objective 5. 1. Examine the key elements of site plan development.




1. B. Determination of controlled assets

1. B. a) Understanding that every organization is comprised of a number of public or private events, activities, etc. which it owns or controls.

1. B. a) 4. ATTRACTIONS: traveling exhibits, team appearances, marching bands

1. E. b) Understand other potential hospitality experiences related to the event and organization (i.e. private parties and receptions, preview/kick-off activities, golf outings, lodging)

6. I. Specialty Revenue Items

6. I. a) Carnivals/amusements

6. I. b) Arts and craft shows

6. I. c) Commercial exhibits

6. I. d) Parades


4. C. c) Understand the elements that drive a brand from the visual and experiential.



Marketing Plan

1. D. Marketing inventory

1. D. a) Understand the relationship between event marketing/media/promotion and the exposure desired by sponsors

1. D. d) Understand the role of web sites in the marketing mix and the sponsors sales process

Objective 2. 4. Develop an awareness of the marketing functions necessary for a successful business.

Objective 4. 2. Provide a basic outline for structure and organization of marketing and media relations planning.

4. A. Role of Marketing and Media relations

4. B. Audience Demographics

4. C. Basics of Branding

4. D. Strategic Marketing

4. E. Basics Tactics of Marketing


1. D. c) Understand the events collateral materials (i.e. publications, programs, maps, posters, brochures, banners/signage) role as a sponsorship sales asset

4. E. a) Provide information on the many tactics of marketing including advertising, PSAs, promotions, collateral materials, web marketing.


1. E. a) Understand the hospitality possibilities as related to a specific event (i.e. tickets, passes, parking, merchandise, VIP areas, reserved seats, upgraded experiences)

1. F. c) 3. vi. Merchandise/premium rights

6. E. Merchandise


1. D. b) Understand the events advertising expenditures and mix; co-sponsor promotion possibilities; historic PR/publicity coverage; and data base availability

4. E. a) Provide information on the many tactics of marketing including advertising, PSAs, promotions, collateral materials, web marketing.

Public Relations

1. D. b) Understand the events advertising expenditures and mix; co-sponsor promotion possibilities; historic PR/publicity coverage; and data base availability

Objective 4. 3. Provide working knowledge of media relations and tips and techniques to conduct full media relations’ efforts.

4. E. a) Provide information on the many tactics of marketing including advertising, PSAs, promotions, collateral materials, web marketing.

4. F. Basics of Media Relations


6. H. Admission Tickets

6. J. b) Centralized inventory operations



Objective 1. 4. Creating compelling sponsorship proposals

Objective 1. 5. Making the commitment needed for sponsorship renewals

1. A. What a sponsor is

1. E. Hospitality inventory

1. F. Basics of program development

1. F. a) Understand the need to establish a sound philosophical base for any sponsorship program prior to any sales (i.e. are there any unacceptable categories; how much commercialism is acceptable – what is an event willing to “sell-off”?

1. F. b) Understand the typical levels of sponsorship programs

1. F. d) Understand the process of packaging rights and benefits by level

1. I. Creating compelling proposals

4. G. Media Sponsorships


1. J. Sponsor servicing and fulfillment

1. J. b) 6. On-site management



1. E. a) Understand the hospitality possibilities as related to a specific event (i.e. tickets, passes, parking, merchandise, VIP areas, reserved seats, upgraded experiences)

5. H. e) Understand the creation and implementation of a credentialing system

6. G. Hospitality

6. G. b) Understand common hospitality driven revenue programs

6. H. Admission Tickets


5. I. b) Understand fundamental contingency plan requirements: communication, designated leadership, specialized supplies and equipment.


1. E. a) Understand the hospitality possibilities as related to a specific event (i.e. tickets, passes, parking, merchandise, VIP areas, reserved seats, upgraded experiences)

5. J. Traffic Management


5. B. Development of a set-up and tear-down schedule


1. B. a) 5. CELEBRITIES/PERSONALITIES: performers, musicians, media stars

5. H. e) Understand the creation and implementation of a credentialing system

6. I. Specialty Revenue Items

6. I. a) Carnivals/amusements

6. I. b) Arts and craft shows

6. I. c) Commercial exhibits

6. I. d) Parades


Objective 5. 1. Examine the key elements of site plan development.

5. A. Creation of a site plan

5. A. c) Understand the relationship of site planning to security and access control

5. A. d) Understand the integral relationship between site plan and site selection

5. H. c) Understand the process of securing event perimeters and gating

5. I. f) Understand the creation of a site evacuation plan

6. H. a) 4. Perimeter integrity and security

6. H. a) 5. Access control





Objective 5. 3. Provide a basic understanding of insurance and risk management procedures.

5. F. Basics of Risk Management


3. C. b) Provide an understanding of federal hiring and nondiscrimination policies in the hiring process (tools and methods for compliance with the law)

3. D. c) Provide an understanding of the policies that are effectively “required by the law.”

3. G. d) Provide understanding and resources to ensure compliance with federal minimum wage and other (state and local) wage and hour laws and regulation. [Wage and hour requirements (overtime, etc)]

3. I. Compliance and Federal Governance.

6. F. b) Understand key issues related to alcohol sales


5. C. e) Understand the process of bid selection


4. F. f) Develop a working knowledge of how to deal with crisis communication

Objective 5. 5. Generate an understanding of the critical crowd control, security, and contingency planning issues.

5. I. Contingency Planning

5. I. f) Understand the creation of a site evacuation plan


3. K. c) Consider and understand legal and corporate human resource policies and their applicability to volunteers (operational standards, ethical standards, workplace/event safety, compliance with law, nondiscrimination policies, effective customer service, etc.)

Objective 5. 5. Generate an understanding of the critical crowd control, security, and contingency planning issues.

5. A. e) Understand key service and safety issues related to site planning

5. H. Security and Crowd Control


3. K. d) Provide and understanding and overview of risk management and insurance coverage opportunities for volunteers.

Objective 5. 3. Provide a basic understanding of insurance and risk management procedures.

5. E. Key Elements of Insurance

6. F. b) 5. Legal and insurance requirements


1. F. c) Understand the types of rights generally associated with sponsorship packages:

1. F. c) 1. Exclusive Rights (available to only sponsors at a specific level)

1. F. c) 2. First Rights (sponsor receives the first opportunity to select a specific asset or opportunity as their own)

1. F. c) 3. General Rights available to all sponsors and vary in quantity, including:

1. F. c) 3. i. Trademark use rights

1. F. c) 3. ii. Resale rights (Third-party)

1. F. c) 3. iii. Media rights (includes telecast)

1. F. c) 3. iv. Promotional rights (includes publications, data base)

1. F. c) 3. v. On-site rights

1. F. c) 3. vi. Merchandise/premium rights

1. F. c) 3. vii. Hospitality benefits

1. F. e). Understanding the terms of sponsorship agreements: level; # per level; exclusivity; multi-year; renewal options

Objective 3. 3. Provide a working knowledge to federal (and typical state and local laws and regulations) regarding wage and hour and other personnel related law and policy.

3. D. d) Understand the risks of policymaking (statement of policy vs. contract)

3. F. b) Understand the concept of progressive discipline and how to use (and limit its use) as a tool and potential “right” of an employee. (Hard/absolute standards and policies vs. performance driven or soft standards).

3. F. c) Understand the legal risks inherent in use of discipline.

5. C. f) Understand the basics of a contract and the development of a standard contract format

6. F. b) 5. Legal and insurance requirements


Objective 5. 5. Generate an understanding of the critical crowd control, security, and contingency planning issues.

5. A. c) Understand the relationship of site planning to security and access control

5. H. Security and Crowd Control

No Match*

* Continuous Improvement, Creativity, and Ethics are included in the International EMBOK Model as a core values.

Elective: Creativity/Innovation

3. L. IFEA Code of Ethics (Industry Ethical Standards)

4. H. Creativity

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